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Learning to explore
Project by Project
What is the challenge?

Jnana Pabodhini has been actively promoting Project-Based Learning (PBL) as an effective learning approach. “Chala Prakalpa Karuya” (Marathi, trans. “Let’s Do Projects”) is a collection of articles written by over 15 stalwarts in the field of education based on their years of practice in PBL. It captures the essence of PBL in a friendly, illustrative way. However, the audience of the book was limited as the original book is in Marathi. In order to reach all the students, their parents, and teachers in India and abroad, a team of JPF decided to translate the book into English, under the guidance of Prof. Prashant Divekar, from the Educational Research and Activity Center, Jnana Prabodhini, Pune.


We began as a handful of people and quickly grew into a team of around 20 volunteers in 5 timezones spanning 4 countries in 3 continents. We developed a concerted structure complete with a review process for translating each article. Aiming for maximum comprehension, we went a step further of the original book and have included tailor-made ‘Mind Maps’ that summarise important concepts and connections at the end of each article. These mind maps have multiple benefits ranging from being easy to grasp to being an effective teaching tool. We have attached QR codes at appropriate places in the book, which can be scanned to open supplementary material like colored mind maps, observation checklist, and more!


The publication ceremony of this book was jointly organized by Jnana Prabodhini Foundation, Educational Activity Research Center, and Chhatra Prabodhan on 6th September 2020. The book was inaugurated at the hands of Shri Vivek Sawant, chief mentor and former managing director at Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Ltd (MKCL). Shri Sawant admired the efforts and complimented that the book is “not just a translation, but a transcreation!” He explained the six stages of the learning and emphasized how this book shall make PBL methodology reach everyone in India and help cultivate the next generation of teachers as stipulated by the New Education Policy. 

In the webinar organized on this occasion, Dr. Aditya Ponkshe, Dr. Swapnita Date, and Aakash Chowkase presented different aspects of PBL. They explained the importance of PBL, its methodology, and how it shall be implemented in practice. The Hindi Vigyan Geet, which is a translation and composition of Marathi Vijnana Geet was also well received by the audience.

More than 750 people from 15 states in India and 8 other countries participated in the program through Facebook and YouTube, while over 9,000 people watched the program later. This was the first public event of Jnana Prabodhini Foundation. This project was a successful demonstration of how an intercontinental team of Prabodhaks can work together and contribute something tangible to Prabodhini’s work.

After the successful completion of the book and webinar, the team is exploring many different avenues to work further. The possibilities range from translating other books or articles to developing more PBL content, creating a video series of the book along with other supplementary material and project examples, and many more!

After the successful publication of the translated version of "Chala Prakalpa Karuya" in September 2020 , the team decided to split in two, and pursue two projects. Some members of the team are continuing to translate other JP books such as “Niyojan Kaushalya” (Planning Skills) and “Hatti vha Hatti” (Be Resolute). Whereas another group of members continues to build further upon the translated book "Learning to Explore - Project by Project" and create PBL content such as creating activity books and audiovisual resources to reach a wider audience.
See links below:


Aakash Chowkase

Aditya Purohit

Prashant Divekar

Shaunak Bhogale

Unmesh Raskar

Abhishek Dedhe

Amla Patil

Priyanka Patki

Shyamal Swami

Varada Ruikar

Aditi Kulkarni-Tambe

Kalyani Marathe

Revati Deshpande

Supriya Darp

Vidulla Kulkarni

Aditya Hardikar

Nandan Viadya

Saurabh Shekhdar

Susmit Joshi

Aditya Janefalkar

Pranav D. Kulkarni

Sayali Mulay

Swapneeta Date


In the month of September this year, the team completed the task of translating the book.
The translated book entitled
“Learning to Explore … Project by Project”
shall prove to be instrumental in making PBL accessible to wider students, teachers, and their parents. The book has already sold 150 copies online to date.
What is Next?
ND Challenges

Translation Project

Translating Books and Resources Published by Jnana Prabodhini Prakahsane and Chhatra Prabodhan to connect and benefit the English speaking audience.

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