Learning To Explore - Project By Project

Date : September 6, 2020 (Sunday)
Time : 10AM - 11AM IST
A panel discussion with representatives from Jnana Prabodhini highlighting the importance of PBL in education
Experience sharing by representative teachers and illustrative narration of a couple of student projects
Book inauguration and a release of a video showcasing different aspects of the book
Keynote address by Honourable Chief Guest
'Learning to Explore - Project by Project' is a translation of the book 'Chala Prakalp Karuya' by Late Prof. Vivek Ponkshe and Nachiket Nitsure
“Chala Prakalpa Karuya” is a compendium of Marathi articles written by various talented educators, which captures the essence of Project Based Learning in a friendly, illustrative way.
A team consisting of 20 volunteers spanning five time zones and four countries has been working for the past 6-7 months on the task of translating the book to English.
Mr. Vivek Sawant
Mr. Vivek Sawant was the Managing Director of Maharashtra Knowledge Corporation Limited (MKCL) since its inception in 2001 to 2019. Under his leadership, MKCL has emerged as a high-tech initiative of the Government of Maharashtra and 10 universities in Maharashtra for development and delivery of Education, Governance and Empowerment technologies, solutions and services to masses.
In MKCL, he has successfully integrated a network of about 5000+ Authorized Learning Centers spanning over the Maharashtra state. This is the single largest private-public-partnership network of its kind in India. Over 1.25 Crore learners from metros to rural and tribal areas have taken a low-cost, high-quality IT Literacy eLearning experiences leading to MS-CIT certification through this network in last 16 years. This venture has provided employment and self-employment opportunities in the field of IT to about 25,000 youngsters in the state at their own native places.

Explore and enlighten yourself!