POdcast team
Podcasts are increasingly becoming popular with audiences worldwide. People use it as a medium to learn something new while doing mundane daily tasks by passive or active listening. It is also an effective medium to reach and influence audiences to contribute in some way. In order to keep this inspirational info digestible by the majority of the audience, we have chosen the English language as a medium and a story form of narrative.
CUrrent State
We have a series of podcasts titled Beyond Social Conventions where we talk about Jnana Prabodhini’s efforts in rural development, women leadership and empowerment, as well as the education sector.
The episodes are uploaded here: https://www.jnanaprabodhinifoundation.org/podcast.
Below is a general description of the first six episodes:
First three episodes paint a picture about rural India, how women are being empowered from being timid and voiceless to being able to start their own small businesses. The podcasts also discusses how Microfinance support groups have inspired women to explore the world going beyond their villages and gaining new experiences.
Episode 4 talked about covid related scenario in India until mid-2021, how JP led efforts in this front.
Episode 5, 6 talk about education for migrant workers’ children and JP’s efforts, how education reform affects their education, and Jnana Prabodhini’s work for their benefit.
What Next
Going forward, we will continue this series as well as talk about Jnana Prabodhini Foundation’s work in enabling JP’s efforts from outside of India, building bridges and connecting one another. We plan to talk about projects in JPF thereby reaching a newer audience, one group at a time. This way we can document and broadcast information about the JPF’s work in a digestible format, hoping to make more connections. We will also keep the episode length short (8-10 mins) to keep the info crisp and interesting.
We all share duties of interviewing, scripting, editing, audio mixing and the release process. This helps us keep the ball rolling when a few of us are occupied, as well as lets us all learn new skills while having fun. If you are interested to join the team please reach out to us.