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What is the challenge?

Women empowerment faces multitudes of obstacles such as -

  • Male biased social dynamics severely constraints involvement of women in decision making; be it at household or village level. Women are often excluded from the financial decision process due to the common perception that she has little to bring to the table.

  • Effects of gender wave are yet to resonate in rural parts of India often leaving women bereft of benefits set by government policies and their own rights. 

  • Lack of education and limited exposure, together restrict the reach of a rural woman as there is a definite need of educated and trustworthy people who will better explain policies to her.

So, what are We proposing?

Jnana Prabodhini strongly believes in transforming women from the rural community belonging to a variety of age groups into self-motivated leaders who will drive change in the community through the Nav-disha program.

Awakening Women Power program will be initiated in the Bhor-Velhe block, the under-developed regions of Pune District (Maharashtra state).


50 women participants will be chosen for this leadership development program. These leaders will be trained by field experts and will receive an opportunity to work with local women to exercise leadership qualities. Their progress will be evaluated through carefully designed pre/post assessments and observations/output captured during the implementation of the activity.

Each leader is expected to work with 15-20 women. The project thus will have 50 direct beneficiaries and around 1000 indirect beneficiaries. Approx. 3000 women over a period of one year will be on the receiving end of this transformation impact.

Awakening Women Power Program has three aspects of transformation road-map to nurture leadership- Individual, Family and Village/Community level.

How will a local leader uplift lives of rural women? 


In the last 25 years, Jnana Prabodhini has developed a network in about 100 villages in Bhor and Velhe blocks of Pune District in Maharashtra state.
What is the impact?

Awakening Women Power programme will develop local leaders in villages who will be a go-to person and confidant for rural women. This leader will play a crucial part in bringing development at the doorstep of rural women.

The project will have 50 direct beneficiaries (leaders) and around 1000 indirect beneficiaries. Approx. 3000 women over a period of one year will be on the receiving end of this transformation impact.

ND Challenges
ND Solution
ND Impact
What’s the estimated impact of my donation?

Our goal for 2020 is to raise $16,500 that will help us develop 50 Women Leaders in villages. Help us achieve our goal by donating,

  • $5000 or more

That will help develop 15 women leaders. That’s a huge impact on about 15 villages!

  • $3000 or more

Will support 9 Women leaders, in turn, influence lives of about 200 families in India.

  • $1000 or more

 Will develop 3 Women leaders and subsequently assist the lives of 70 families.

  • $500 or more

 Will influence 1-2 women leaders and cover operational costs.

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